Lily Shepherd
Editor8 years ago

Oh hey bank holiday! Our favourite type of weekend, we can’t wait for our three days off at the end of August – we think we deserve a bit of R&R. Whether you’re spending the bank holiday with family, friends or solo, we’re fairly confident of how the weekend will go – as every bank holiday is inevitably the same…
1. Friday = FriYAY

Literally nobody does any work on the Friday – we’re all just waiting for the 5.30pm car-park dash. Someone probably brings in donuts, and the office Spotify is turned dangerously loud: we’ve got that Friday feeling!
2. It rains

Is it the law that it has to rain on a bank holiday? Plans for picnics and brisk outdoor walks go out the window, soon to be replaced by…
3. Cocktails

Time to call the girls, because it’s time for bank holiday cocktails – with an extra day to recover, it seems rude not to.
4. Your lie in doesn’t go as planned

5. More cocktails

Because, bank holiday.
6. So much shopping

This bank holiday happens to fall over payday (yay!) so we think treating ourselves to some retail therapy is a must.
7. It’s still raining

Okay, so the BBQ is off.
8. Forgetting to turn your Monday alarm off

At this rate, we won't have a lie in this entire weekend.
9. Monday euphoria

Is there anything more delicious than not being at work on a Monday? We don’t think so.
10. The Monday crash

It gets to 5pm, and we suddenly realise we’ve not done any laundry or bought any food for the upcoming week. Cue the Monday crash…
11. Four day week fabulousness

If we became Prime Minister, we’d make it compulsory for every week to be four days long. Who’s voting for us?
12. It stops raining

If you want to absolutely slay this bank holiday in the style stakes, look no further than MyBag. Here are some of our three-day-weekend favourites...
Lily Shepherd

Lover of statement accessories, scented candles, anything pink and a little bit of sparkle. A Southern girl in Manchester, when I’m not drooling over designer handbags I can be found fashion blogging, or exploring my new Northern home. My signature look? A nude lip and a very flamboyant pair of shoes.
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